A design is the outward appearance of a product or part of it.
By protecting an industrial design through its registration, the owner obtains the exclusive right to prevent its unauthorized copying or imitation by others.
According to Spanish and Community Law the protection conferred by the registration of an industrial design lasts five years and can be renewed in blocks of five years up to a maximum of 25 years.
Depending on the geographical scope you want your designs to be protected, it should be advisable to choose one of the following ways:
- The national route: filing an application directly in each country of interest.
- The Community route: by a single application protection is obtained in the whole European Union. This system prevents from wasting not only money but also time.
- The International route: available for Member States of the Hague Agreement. This system implies an easier and cheaper procedure than filing individual applications country by country.
In MAPA TRADEMARKS we manage the registration of your designs in the countries of main interest to market your products, using the most accurate route.